From Texas Chain Saw Massacre Wiki

Family Attribute Stats

Stats that come from character's attributes.


Graph on the left for Leatherface and Cook. Graph on the right for Hitchhiker, Johnny and Sissy.

Attack Damage


Vial Size

Blood from Bucket

Blood from Melee Hit

Blood from Execution

Blood from Close Encounter


Attack Stamina Cost

Sprint Stamina Cost

Victim Attribute Stats


Toughness increases your overall Health Points (HP); it has no impact on damage reduction.

One point of Toughness is equivalent to 1.11 points of HP.

All Victims start with 111 HP by default.

So having 20 toughness means 133 HP; a Victim with 50 toughness has 167 HP.

Although maxing out toughness limits your ability to do other things, having 167 HP makes you very hard to takedown by anyone except Bubba.

Ana has the highest base Toughness of 35 and coupled with her damage reduction ability, makes for a particularly tanky and resilient Victim.

Max Health

Incapacitation Duration

Trap Max Points


Sprint Stamina Cost

Stamina Recharge Delay

Stamina Recharge Rate


Generator Turning Off Duration

Sneak Attack Stun Duration

Grandpa Stun Duration

Close Encounter Starting Points

Crawl Space Max Points

Crawl Space Points on Tap

Door Barge Max Points

Door Barge Points on Tap

Escape Restrains Max Points


Car Battery Turning Off Duration

Valve Max Points

Unlock Door Max Points