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==Family Perks==
==Family Perks==
<table><table class="wikitable sortable jquery-tablesorter" style="width:95%;color:#eee; background:transparent; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle;" cellspacing="0">
        <th style="font-weight:bold; color:#eee; background-color: rgb(220,220,220,0.2); text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; width:7%" class="headerSort" tabindex="0" role="columnheader button" title="Sort ascending">Name</th>
        <th style="font-weight:bold; color:#eee; background-color: rgb(220,220,220,0.2); text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; width:7%" class="headerSort" tabindex="0" role="columnheader button" title="Sort ascending"> Description</th>
        <th style="font-weight:bold; color:#eee; background-color: rgb(220,220,220,0.2); text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; width:7%" class="headerSort" tabindex="0" role="columnheader button" title="Sort ascending">Family Member</th>
        <td>  [[File:T UI IC Abilities GPa BloodRun.png|x350px]]
        <div class="text"> Blood Banker </div> </td>
        <td> Your maximum blood storage capacity is increased by {BloodVial_Size}%. </td>
        <td> Cook </td>
        <td>  [[File:T UI IC Abilities GPa BloodHarvestingUp.png|x350px]]
        <div class="text"> Siphon </div> </td>
        <td> Your Blood Harvesting is increased by {BloodHarvesting}. </td>
        <td> Cook </td>
        <td>  [[File:T UI IC Abilities GPa BloodlustGallows.png|x350px]]
        <div class="text"> Bloodlust </div> </td>
        <td> You do {BloodlustGallows_MeleeMultiplier}% more damage after executing a victim with the gallows. 'pa loves it when you kill 'em proper! </td>
        <td> Cook </td>
        <td>  [[File:T UI IC Abilities GPa BloodRun.png|x350px]]
        <div class="text"> Blood Runner </div> </td>
        <td> Stamina consumption is reduced by {SprintStaminaConsumptionRate}% when carrying more than 50% blood in blood vial. </td>
        <td> Cook </td>
        <td>  [[File:T UI IC Abilities GPa BloodyAttacker.png|x350px]]
        <div class="text"> Surgical </div> </td>
        <td> You receive {BloodCollected_MeleeHit}% more blood when attacking a victim. </td>
        <td> Cook </td>
        <td>  [[File:T UI IC Abilities GPa BloodyEncounter.png|x350px]]
        <div class="text"> Dracula </div> </td>
        <td> Winning a close encounter gives you {BloodCollected_CloseEncounter}% more blood.  Losing also gives you {BloodCollected_CloseEncounterLose} blood. </td>
        <td> Cook </td>
        <td>  [[File:T UI IC Abilities GPa ComingToGetYou.png|x350px]]
        <div class="text"> Battering Ram </div> </td>
        <td> When barging a door, each hit is stronger by {DoorBarge_SweetZoneHitAddPoints}%. </td>
        <td> Cook </td>
        <td>  [[File:T UI IC Abilities GPa ConfusingMechanic.png|x350px]]
        <div class="text"> Confusing Mechanic </div> </td>
        <td> If you turn on a generator, it takes {ConfusingMechanicCooldownDuration} seconds longer than usual for victims to turn it off again. </td>
        <td> Cook </td>
        <td>  [[File:T UI IC Abilities GPa CoverMe.png |x350px]]
        <div class="text"> Bringing Home the Bacon </div> </td>
        <td> Dragging a victim highlights you to other family members for {CoverMe_HighlightDuration} seconds. </td>
        <td> Cook </td>
        <td>  [[File:T UI IC Abilities GPa Despair.png|x350px]]
        <div class="text"> Insult to Injury </div> </td>
        <td> Hitting a victim with your chainsaw reduces {Despair_StaminaReduction}% of their stamina. </td>
        <td> Cook </td>
        <td>  [[File:T UI IC Abilities GPa DingDong.png|x350px]]
        <div class="text"> Ding Dong </div> </td>
        <td> Bell on barbwire rings out {sfxlouderrate}% louder and highlight range is increased by {highlightrange}%. </td>
        <td> Cook </td>
        <td>  [[File:T UI IC Abilities GPa DinnersReady.png|x350px]]
        <div class="text"> Dinner Bell </div> </td>
        <td> When a victim is caught in a trap, they are highlighted to you and your maximum stamina is increased by {DinnersReady_MaxStaminaAdd} points for 15 seconds. Soup's on! </td>
        <td> Cook </td>

Revision as of 10:49, 21 June 2023

Grandpa Perks

Family Perks

Name Description Level
T UI IC Abilities GPa Animal Farm.png
Animal Farm
Increases Chicken detection radius. Unlocks at Level 1
T UI IC Abilities GPa Always In Sync.png
Always In Sync
When active, the Family Focus ability duration is increased and the cooldown reduced. Unlocks at Level 1
T UI IC Abilities GPa Brute Strength.png
Brute Strength
Slightly increases melee damage for all Family members. Unlocks at Level 1
T UI IC Abilities GPa Windoom.png
Victims take 50% more damage when jumping out of windows. Unlocks at Level 2
T UI IC Abilities GPa Well Well Well.png
Well Well Well
Victims that jump down wells take 50% more damage. Unlocks at Level 2
T UI IC Abilities GPa Well Fed Younguns.png
Well Fed Young'uns
Whenever Grandpa's sonar is activated, all Family members instantly regain 50 stamina. Unlocks at Level 2
T UI IC Abilities GPa Excited Granpda.png
Excited Grandpa
Delay between Grandpa's Sonar pulse is reduced by 20% at each level. Unlocks at Level 2
T UI IC Abilities GPa Nobody Escapes Hell.png
Nobody Escapes Hell
Door Unlock Minigames are 40% harder for all Victims. Unlocks at Level 2
T UI IC Abilities GPa Barge To The Point.png
Barge To The Point
Barging doors always opens them on the first try. Unlocks at Level 3
T UI IC Abilities GPa Exterior Alarms.png
Exterior Alarms
When active, all critical doors and gates are highlighted for 5 seconds if opened. Unlocks at Level 3
T UI IC Abilities GPa Suffocating Grip.png
Suffocating Grip
Close encounter minigame is easier by 20% for the perk holder. Unlocks at Level 3
T UI IC Abilities GPa Dont Have All Day.png
Dont Have All Day
Stamina drain while sprinting is decreased by 20%. Unlocks at Level 4
T UI IC Abilities GPa Swinging For The Fences.png
Swinging For The Fences
Reduces stamina consumption on melee attacks by 40%. Unlocks at Level 4
T UI IC Abilities GPa Experienced Stalkers.png
Experienced Stalkers
Reduces the Family's proximity warning range for Victims. Unlocks at Level 5
Name Description Family Member
File:T UI IC Abilities GPa BloodRun.png
Blood Banker
Your maximum blood storage capacity is increased by {BloodVial_Size}%. Cook
File:T UI IC Abilities GPa BloodHarvestingUp.png
Your Blood Harvesting is increased by {BloodHarvesting}. Cook
File:T UI IC Abilities GPa BloodlustGallows.png
You do {BloodlustGallows_MeleeMultiplier}% more damage after executing a victim with the gallows. 'pa loves it when you kill 'em proper! Cook
File:T UI IC Abilities GPa BloodRun.png
Blood Runner
Stamina consumption is reduced by {SprintStaminaConsumptionRate}% when carrying more than 50% blood in blood vial. Cook
File:T UI IC Abilities GPa BloodyAttacker.png
You receive {BloodCollected_MeleeHit}% more blood when attacking a victim. Cook
File:T UI IC Abilities GPa BloodyEncounter.png
Winning a close encounter gives you {BloodCollected_CloseEncounter}% more blood. Losing also gives you {BloodCollected_CloseEncounterLose} blood. Cook
File:T UI IC Abilities GPa ComingToGetYou.png
Battering Ram
When barging a door, each hit is stronger by {DoorBarge_SweetZoneHitAddPoints}%. Cook
File:T UI IC Abilities GPa ConfusingMechanic.png
Confusing Mechanic
If you turn on a generator, it takes {ConfusingMechanicCooldownDuration} seconds longer than usual for victims to turn it off again. Cook
File:T UI IC Abilities GPa CoverMe.png
Bringing Home the Bacon
Dragging a victim highlights you to other family members for {CoverMe_HighlightDuration} seconds. Cook
File:T UI IC Abilities GPa Despair.png
Insult to Injury
Hitting a victim with your chainsaw reduces {Despair_StaminaReduction}% of their stamina. Cook
File:T UI IC Abilities GPa DingDong.png
Ding Dong
Bell on barbwire rings out {sfxlouderrate}% louder and highlight range is increased by {highlightrange}%. Cook
File:T UI IC Abilities GPa DinnersReady.png
Dinner Bell
When a victim is caught in a trap, they are highlighted to you and your maximum stamina is increased by {DinnersReady_MaxStaminaAdd} points for 15 seconds. Soup's on! Cook