From Texas Chain Saw Massacre Wiki

Revision as of 20:01, 22 June 2023 by Panvxv (talk | contribs)

Name Description Name Description Name Description
T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree Sissy PoisonPilesBoxes.png
Poison Pickup Locations
Poison can now be applied to bone piles and toolboxes. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree Sissy BleedoutDmg.png
Toxic Cloud
The poison seeps into the Victim's wounds, causing them to lose health for a short period of time. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree Sissy PoisonGenerator.png
Poison Generators
Poison can now be applied to generators, affecting Victims who use it.
T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree Sissy CloudLifetime.png
Increases Cloud Duration
Increases poison cloud duration to 55 seconds. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree Sissy EffectLifetime.png
Increase Poison Duration
Increases the amount of time a Victim is affected by poison to 13.5 seconds. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree Sissy CreatingPoison.png
Create Poison Faster
Reduce the time to create poison at the pestle and mortar tables to 2 seconds.
T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree Sissy CloudLifetime.png
Increases Cloud Duration
Increases poison cloud duration to 50 seconds. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree Sissy EffectLifetime.png
Increase Poison Duration
Increases the amount of time a Victim is affected by poison to 12 seconds. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree Sissy CreatingPoison.png
Create Poison Faster
Reduce the time to create poison at the pestle and mortar tables to 3 seconds.