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Revision as of 23:49, 21 September 2023 by Panvxv (talk | contribs)
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T UI IC Character Family Hitchhiker Basic.png

5'11" • 170 lbs. • ??? years • Hometown ???

Attack Damage
Stamina Cost
Walk Speed
Run Speed
Sprint Speed


The Hitchhiker is the wiry, greasy, and downright feral type. He's also sort of an artist of the macabre, known to craft items of bone and teeth. His Trap Abillty is a dark extension of that farmland ingenuity where nothing is left to waste, visually represented as snares made of ribs and string. He makes excellent use of his slim frame to fit into gaps and crawi spaces, making it difficuit to give him the slip. Naturally, he has the highest Endurance ranking of the entire Family, and is a relentless pursuer. Finding the places he cannot follow will be crucial when he is on your heels.


Name Description Durations
T UI IC Abilites Family HH Traps.png
Set traps on the ground, snaring and injuring any Victims who walk into them. Damage: 15
Place Trap: 6s
Reset Trap: 3s
Collect Trap: 6s

Name Description Name Description Name Description
T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree HH FamilySeeNoise.png
All Family See Noise
When a Victim is snared, the activated trap is highlighted to all Family members. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree HH CollectTrapBlood.png
Bloody Traps
If a Victim is caught in a trap, you'll receive blood after resetting or collecting the trap. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree Sissy BleedoutDmg.png
Bleed Damage
Any Victim caught in a trap continues to take damage over a short period of time.
(30 damage over 20 seconds)
T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree HH TrapPlacement.png
Faster Placement
Increases the speed of setting traps by 20%. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree HH BreakoutTime.png
Increase Escape Difficulty
Breaking free of traps is more difficult for Victims by 28%. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree HH TrapDmg.png
Increased Damage
Increases the amount of damage inflicted on a Victim when snared by 33%.
T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree HH TrapPlacement.png
Faster Placement
Increases the speed of setting traps by 10%. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree HH BreakoutTime.png
Increase Escape Difficulty
Breaking free of traps is more difficult for Victims by 19%. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree HH TrapDmg.png
Increased Damage
Increases the amount of damage inflicted on a Victim when snared by 13%.

T UI Cosmetics Hitchhiker 00.png