From Texas Chain Saw Massacre Wiki

Revision as of 16:32, 26 June 2023 by Panvxv (talk | contribs)

Name Description Name Description Name Description
T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree CooldownDown.png
Quicker Recharge
Time taken to recharge ability is set to 126 seconds. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree ConcussionEffect.png
Concussive Hit
Applies a concussion effect to the knocked down Family member. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree StunDurationUp.png
Increased Stun Duration
Barged Family members will be stunned for 14 seconds.
T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree CooldownDown.png
Quicker Recharge
Time taken to recharge ability is set to 144 seconds. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree MeleeHitStaminaRec.png
Restore Stamina
After barging a Family member, 60 stamina is restored. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree StunDurationUp.png
Increased Stun Duration
Barged Family members will be stunned for 13 seconds.
T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree CooldownDown.png
Quicker Recharge
Time taken to recharge ability is set to 162 seconds. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree MeleeHitStaminaRec.png
Restore Stamina
After barging a Family member, 30 stamina is restored. T UI IC ScrnAbilityTree StunDurationUp.png
Increased Stun Duration
Barged Family members will be stunned for 12 seconds.