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Grandpa Perks

Name Description Activates on Grandpa level Family Member
T UI IC Abilities GPa Animal Farm.png
Animal Farm
Increases Chicken detection radius. I Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Abilities GPa Always In Sync.png
Always In Sync
When active, the Family Focus ability duration is increased and the cooldown reduced. I Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Abilities GPa Brute Strength.png
Brute Strength
Slightly increases melee damage for all Family members. I Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Abilities GPa Windoom.png
Victims take 50% more damage when jumping out of windows. II Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Abilities GPa Well Well Well.png
Well Well Well
Victims that jump down wells take 50% more damage. II Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Abilities GPa Well Fed Younguns.png
Well Fed Young'uns
Whenever Grandpa's sonar is activated, all Family members instantly regain 50 stamina. II Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Abilities GPa Excited Granpda.png
Excited Grandpa
Delay between Grandpa's Sonar pulse is reduced by 20% at each level. II Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Abilities GPa Nobody Escapes Hell.png
Nobody Escapes Hell
Door Unlock Minigames are 40% harder for all Victims. II Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Abilities GPa Barge To The Point.png
Barge To The Point
Barging doors always opens them on the first try. III Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Abilities GPa Experienced Stalkers.png
Experienced Stalkers
Reduces the Family's proximity warning range for Victims. III Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Abilities GPa Exterior Alarms.png
Exterior Alarms
When active, all critical doors and gates are highlighted for 5 seconds if opened. III Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Abilities GPa Suffocating Grip.png
Suffocating Grip
Close encounter minigame is easier by 20% for the perk holder. III Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Sissy
T UI IC Abilities GPa Dont Have All Day.png
Dont Have All Day
Stamina drain while sprinting is decreased by 20%. IV Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Abilities GPa Swinging For The Fences.png
Swinging For The Fences
Reduces stamina consumption on melee attacks by 20%. IV Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy

Family Perks

Name Description Family Member
T UI IC Family Perks BloodBanker.png
Blood Banker
Your maximum blood storage capacity is increased by 10%/20%/30%. Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny(?), Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks BloodHarvestingUp.png
Your Blood Harvesting is increased by 3/5/7. Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks BloodlustGallows.png
You do 10%/20%/30% more damage after executing a victim with the gallows. 'pa loves it when you kill 'em proper! Leatherface
T UI IC Family Perks BloodRun.png
Blood Runner
Stamina consumption is reduced by 5%/10%/15% when carrying more than 50% blood in blood vial. Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks BloodyAttacker.png
You receive 20%/60%/100% more blood when attacking a victim. Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny(?), Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks BloodyEncounter.png
Winning a close encounter gives you 10%/40%/70% more blood. Losing also gives you 20/30/40 blood. Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks ComingToGetYou.png
Battering Ram
When barging a door, each hit is stronger by 30%/70%/160%. Cook(?), Hitchhiker
T UI IC Family Perks ConfusingMechanic.png
Confusing Mechanic
If you turn on a generator, it takes 5/10/15 seconds longer than usual for victims to turn it off again. Cook(?), Hitchhiker(?), Johnny, Leatherface(?) Sissy(?)
T UI IC Family Perks CoverMe.png
Bringing Home the Bacon
Dragging a victim highlights you to other family members for 5/10/30 seconds. Leatherface
T UI IC Family Perks DingDong.png
Ding Dong
Bell on barbwire rings out 20%/50%/100% louder and highlight range is increased by 10%/30%/50%. Nancy
T UI IC Family Perks DinnersReady.png
Dinner Bell
When a victim is caught in a trap, they are highlighted to you and your maximum stamina is increased by 20/40/60 points for 15 seconds. Soup's on! Cook, Hitchhiker(?), Johnny(?), Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks DoorSplinters.png
If you slam a door on a victim, you deal 15/25/35 damage to them. Gotta tenderize that meat! Cook(?), Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface(?), Sissy(?)
T UI IC Family Perks DownTheRabbitHole.png
Down the Rabbit Hole
When a victim goes down a well, they are highlighted for you for 7/12/17 seconds. Cook, Hitchhiker(?), Johnny(?), Leatherface, Sissy(?)
T UI IC Family Perks EasilyTuckeredOut.png
Easily Tuckered Out
Your attacks use 20/35/50% less stamina, but your stamina regenerates 60/50/40% slower. Hitchhiker(?), Johnny, Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks ExtraBite.png
When a victim gets caught in one of your traps, they take an extra 1HP of damage per second for 5/15/30 seconds. Hitchhiker
T UI IC Family Perks ExtraSharpChainsaw.png
Rough Cut
Hitting a victim with your chainsaw applies 1 HP/second extra damage for 3/5/7 seconds. Make 'em bleed, boy! Leatherface
T UI IC Family Perks GiveMeMore.png
Give Me More
Nancy ability regeneration rate increased by 5%/10%/15% but Stamina regeneration is reduced by 5%/10%/15%. Nancy
T UI IC Family Perks GoodHeart.png
Fired Up
Upon running out of stamina, there is 30%/60%/90% less delay before stamina starts regenerating. Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks GoodUnderstudy.png
Wire Frame
You can traverse gaps 20%/30%/40% faster and crawl spaces 20%/40%/60% faster. Hitchhiker
T UI IC Family Perks HeavyLock.png
Security Pins
Locks that you add are 10%/30%/50% harder to unlock for victims. Cook
T UI IC Family Perks Herbalist.png
Efficient Herbalist
Poisoning an object has a 25%/50%/75% chance to not consume any powder. Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks HurtEm .png
Hurt Em
Barbed wire traps do 20%/35%/50% more damage. Nancy
T UI IC Family Perks HurtPride.png
Hurt Pride
After recovering from being stunned, your stamina recharges 30%/50/80% faster for 5/10/15 seconds. Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks HystericalStrength.png
Hysterical Strength
When below 15% stamina, you deal 10/15/20% more damage. Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface(?), Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks IKnowYoureWatching.png
I Smell Blood
Stay focused on that last victim. Your proximity range is increased 50%/100%/200%. Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny
T UI IC Family Perks IllKillThemAll.png
I'll Kill Them All
After using her ability, Nancy's damage is increased by 5%/10%/15% for 30 seconds. Nancy
T UI IC Family Perks LampLighter.png
Booby-trapped lights stun you for 5%/25% less time.
LVL3: Booby-trapped lights do not stun you.
Cook(?), Johnny
T UI IC Family Perks LetsMotor.png
2 Cycle Charge
While revving your chainsaw, you regenerate stamina 10/30/60% faster. Leatherface
T UI IC Family Perks MarathonSprinter.png
Slow and Steady
While sprinting, stamina usage is decreased by 30/40/50% but speed is also reduced by 15/10/10%. Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks MyChickens.png
Chicken Whisperer
Chickens won't make noise unless you're much closer. Chicken radius is reduced by 20%/50%. Victims within a radius of the chicken are still highlighted.
LVL3: Chicken noisemaker will not trigger for you. Victims within a radius of the chicken are still highlighted.
Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny(?), Leatherface, Sissy(?)
T UI IC Family Perks NotThatEasy.png
Not That Easy
When a victim is caught in your barbed wire, it is 20%/40%/60% harder for them to remove. Nancy
T UI IC Family Perks OneForAll.png
Pack Animal
After being hit with a sneak attack, your attacker is highlighted for 3/6/9 seconds. Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks Patience.png
While standing still your ability consumption is reduced by 20%/30%/40%. Johnny
T UI IC Family Perks PersistanceUp.png
Your Endurance is increased by 3/5/7. Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks PinsAndNeedles.png
Pins and Needles
Placing a barbwire spool has a 20%/40%/60% chance to not consume an inventory item. Nancy
T UI IC Family Perks PlagueCloud.png
Rubber Legs
Your toxic cloud also slows victims down by 10/15/20%. Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks PowerAttacker.png
Big Swings
When attacking, damage you deal is increased by 10/12/15%, but stamina usage on attacks increased by 200%/150%/100%. Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy(?)
T UI IC Family Perks Rage.png
Landing a hit on a victim fills your ability bar by 5%/10%/15%. Cook, Johnny
T UI IC Family Perks RenewedVigor.png
Warmed Up
After a close encounter, win or lose, you gain 10%/25%/40% ability charge. Cook, Johnny
T UI IC Family Perks RubberBoots.png
Rubber Boots
LVL1: You're immune to electrified cattle grids, but the generator starts with only 5 pull(s).
LVL2: You're immune to electrified cattle grids.
LVL3: You're immune to electrified cattle grids and the generator starts with only 1 pull(s).
Hitchhiker, Leatherface
T UI IC Family Perks SavageryUp.png
Your Savagery is increased by 3/5/7. Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks Scouter.png
Your movement speed is increased by 5/10/15%, but melee damage is reduced by 30/20/10%. Cook, Hitchhiker(?), Johnny(?), Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks Serrated.png
Victims when hit by the perk holder take an extra 1HP/second damage over 3/4/5 seconds. Cook(?), Hitchhiker, Johnny(?), Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks SpecialBlend.png
Special Blend
Walking through one of Sissy's poison clouds boosts your stamina regeneration by 30%/30%/%50% for 10/20/30 seconds. It also gives your next 1/1/1 attack/s a poison effect. Cook, Hitchhiker(?), Johnny, Leatherface(?), Sissy(?)
T UI IC Family Perks SplatterZone.png
Your toxic cloud lasts 5/10/15 seconds longer and is 100/200/300 [cm] larger. Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks SporeLoser.png
Spore Loser
Losing a close encounter automatically makes you drop an emergency poison cloud, even if you're out of powder. Got a holdout pouch, huh Sissy? Emergency poison cloud cooldown 90/60/30 seconds. Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks SpotAndRun.png
Prey Drive
Spotting a victim increases stamina recharge by 20%/30%/40% for 5/10/15 seconds. Cook
T UI IC Family Perks StrongGrip.png
After searching a hiding spot and finding a victim, you deal 20/30/50 extra damage points to them. Cook(?), Johnny, Leatherface(?), Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks StrongMinded.png
Strong Minded
After using her ability, Nancys stamina depletion is reduced by 10%/20%/30% for 30 seconds. Nancy
T UI IC Family Perks TagYoureIt.png
Tracker Tagged
Hitting a victim highlights them for all family members for 2/3/5 seconds. Cook(?), Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface
T UI IC Family Perks UniversalDonor.png
Universal Donor
Blood collected from buckets is worth 20%/30%/40% more for you. Cook, Hitchhiker(?), Johnny(?), Leatherface, Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks Vialent.png
Your damage is increased by 10/15/20% when carrying a full blood vial. Cook, Hitchhiker(?), Leatherface(?), Sissy
T UI IC Family Perks WaitASecond.png
Wait A Second
Barbed wire can only be removed after 10/15/20 seconds. A victim ally can still remove it straight away. Nancy
T UI IC Family Perks WellBalanced.png
After being stunned, you deal 10/15/20% extra damage for 20/30/40 seconds. Cook(?), Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface(?), Sissy(?)
T UI IC Family Perks WhatDoor.png
Master Key
You can instantly burst through a latched door 3/4/5 times. Leatherface
T UI IC Family Perks YoullPayForThat.png
You'll Pay for That!
If Grandpa is incapacitated, you have increased damage by 15/20/25% until he recovers. Cook(?), Hitchhiker, Johnny, Leatherface, Sissy

Victim Perks

Name Description Victim
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Adrenaline Rush.png
Choose Flight
Fight or flight? Choose Flight. After running out of stamina, pop some adrenaline to completely refill and take off running. Has 1/2/3 charge(s). Julie, Sonny, Ana, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Apothcarys Eye.png
Clear Eyes
Clears up your vision to see poisoned objects, Cook locks and traps. Range is 2/4/6m. Sonny, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Awkward Patient.png
You've got fast hands. Each button tap in a close encounter is worth more towards winning the struggle. Button taps are 15%/30%/50% more effective. Ana, Leland
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Backstab Master.png
Efficient Backstabber
Sneak attacks have a chance to not consume a Bone Scrap. Chance is 20%/30%/40% Julie, Sonny, Ana, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Bad Blood.png
Bad Blood
If executed, your killer suffers a 30%/40%/50% reduction to their damage for 120 seconds and highlights them for 60/90/120 seconds. It won't save you, but it might help the others. Ana, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Better Together.png
Pick On Me
While using an Unlock Tool, whatever you're picking is highlighted for all victims for 10/20/30 seconds Sonny, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Blood Ties.png
After consuming a health item, you don't bleed out for 10/20/30 seconds. Julie, Ana
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Bolt For It.png
After using a crawl space or gap, you move 5/10/15% faster for 5/5/7 seconds. Julie, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Bond Breaker.png
Be more effective in reducing the Family Bond when incapacitating Grandpa. Family bond goes down by {levelreduced} levels.
LVL3: Family bond drops by 3 levels and Grandpa cannot be fed blood for 30 seconds.
Julie, Sonny, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Carefully Does It.png
Light On Your Feet
Grandpa is 40%/70%/100% less alerted by the noises you make during the start of the game. Julie, Ana, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Chemist.png
Bounce Back Better
Healing items used on you are 25%/30%/40% more effective. Counts for being healed and healing yourself. Julie, Sonny, Ana, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Conditioned.png
When you completely run out of stamina, it takes 20%/40%/60% less time to start coming back. Take five and get back out there. Julie, Ana, Leland
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Constant Care.png
Extra Drip
After using a healing item, you also slowly heal 2/4/6 HP for 8/10/12 seconds. Ana, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Cover Burst.png
Cover Charge
Sprinting costs 30%/50%/70% less stamina for 10/15/20 seconds after leaving a hiding spot you've been in for 5 seconds or more. Julie, Ana, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Dead Weight.png
Dead Weight
When you're the last victim standing, family's proximity radius is 20%/40%/60% smaller than it usually is. Julie, Sonny, Leland
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Drug Detector.png
Clear Head
Priorities, you got 'em. While below 25% health, healing items within 15/20/25m are highlighted. Sonny, Ana, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Electric Insight.png
Meter Reader
I saw that! When a family member turns a generator on or off, both the family member and generator are highlighted for 10/20/30 seconds. Sonny
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Endurant.png
Ran Track
Your Endurance is increased by 3/5/7. Julie, Sonny, Ana, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Fast Hands.png
Fast Hands
If a family member is within 10/10/10 meters, 25/50/100% more points are awarded on each tap during the lockpicking minigame.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks First Aider.png
Rally Leader
Rally the team by helping other victims and yourself recover from being incapacitated faster. Recovery is 15/25/35% faster. Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Furniture Fu.png
Tae Kwon Door
You've been practicing your door forms and now slamming doors on Family members stuns them for 12/14/16 seconds. Julie, Sonny, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Fuse Insight.png
Fuse Lights
When the fuse box is turned on or off, all the family members and the fuse box are highlighted for 12/14/16 seconds. Julie, Sonny
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Get it off me.png
Get it off me
When escaping a trap each tap in the minigame adds 40/60/80% more points to progress bar and 50/10/20% points less to fail bar.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Hare or meat.png
Hare or Meat
If a family member is within 10 meters, 20/40/100% more points are awarded on each tap during the valve minigame.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Headstart.png
Valves and fuses are highlighted for you at the start of the game for 30/45/60 seconds.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Help Me.png
Am I Bleeding?
Is it bad? I can't look. When your health is below 10/25/40%, you are highlighted to every other victim. Sonny, Leland
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Hidden Recovery.png
Cover Recovery
Stamina recovery increased by 20/40/60% when in hiding spots or shadows. Julie, Sonny, Ana, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Hit And Run.png
Fight AND Flight
Choose both. After surviving a close encounter, your movement speed is increased by 10% and stamina consumption is reduced by 10/20/30% for 5/10/15 seconds. Julie, Sonny, Leland
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Hobble.png
Fight Back
After surviving a close encounter, the Family member you fought has stamina regeneration reduced by a magnitude of 30/40/50% for 15/20/30 seconds. Julie, Sonny, Ana, Leland
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Hunters Eye.png
20/20 Vision
Your Perception is increased by 2/4/6. (Scrapped perk relating to the scrapped Perception attribute, which was replaced by toughness.) Julie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Hush or die.png
Hush or Die
When under 5/5/5% health, get 5/10/15 increased Stealth points.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks I Can Do This.png
I Can Do This
When under 5/5/5% health, get 5/10/15 increased Proficiency points.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks I Can Make It.png
I Can Make It
When under 5/5/5% health, get 5/10/15 increased Endurance points.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks I Get Back Up Again.png
Bar Room Hero
When stunned, your stun doesn't last as long. Stun time is reduced by 20/40/60%. Back in the fight, faster than ever. Sonny, Ana
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks I know engines.png
I Know Engines
Getting within 20/30/40 meters of Leatherface with an active chainsaw adds the noise maker VFX to Leatherface. Allows the perk holder to track the noise for 5/10/15 seconds.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Immunity.png
Walking through a poison cloud or consuming poisoned health items does not affect you. Has 3/5/7 charges.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Intuition.png
Holding a key item (fuse/valve) highlights the location it can be used for 40/70/100 seconds.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Iron Will.png
Medical Benefits
Healing another victim heals you by a portion of the healing done. Self heal is 40/60/80% of total healing. Sonny, Ana, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Jack In The Box.png
Jack in the Box
When leaving a hiding spot, you take 15/25/35% less damage for 5/8/11 seconds. Julie, Sonny, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Jump Scare.png
Jump Scare
Triggering bone charms increases your sprint speed by 10% for 4/8/12 seconds. Julie, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Jump Start.png
Jump Start
Stamina consumption on dashing is reduced by 10/30/50% Sonny, Ana, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Killer Feedback.png
Radar Detector
Whenever Grandpa's sonar is activated, all Family members are highlighted for you for 5 seconds. Has 3/5/7 charges. Julie, Sonny, Ana, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks KnockKnock.png
Knock Knock
After breaking out of your bonds, you can see where all the basement exits in the map. Highlight lasts for 30/40/60 seconds at the start of a match.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Last But Not Least.png
Parting Gift
When another victim escapes, all the family members are highlighted to the perk holder for 30/40/60 seconds. Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Latchlad.png
Doors you latch are 10/20/30% harder to barge through. Julie, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Lifeline.png
If a tampered exit is opened, the exit is highlighted for 5/10/15 seconds longer to you.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Lone Survivor.png
Lone Survivor
Being the last victim alive gives you increased max health and stamina. 10/15/20% added to max health and max stamina. Also increases last victim standing family highlight by 10/20/30 seconds. Julie, Sonny, Ana, Leland
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Lucky Lockpicker.png
Lucky Lockpicker
The very first time you use an unlock tool to open a door, it has a 30/50/70% chance to not be consumed. Julie, Ana, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks No Sell.png
No Sell
When you get hit by a Family member, you take 40/60/80% less damage. Has 1/2/3 charge(s). Julie, Ana, Leland
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks No Shock.png
No Shock
Once a tampered generator or car battery is turned off, all connected objects are highlighted for 1/2/3 seconds.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks No stopping.png
No Stopping
Once the Valve or Fusebox exit are opened, or electric grid is turned off, your stamina depletion is reduced by 5/10/15%.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Out of my head.png
Out Of My Head
Reduce Nancy's ability time by increasing depletion rate by 20/40/80% and reduce the time that any poison effects you by 1/2/3 seconds.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Overlooked.png
Whenever Grandpa's sonar is triggered, you remain undetected when you otherwise would have been. Has 2/3/4 charges. Julie, Sonny
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Pay Back.png
After surviving a close encounter, you regain 10/30/50 health points and 50/70/90% of max stamina. Julie, Ana, Leland
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Pick On Me.png
Exit Strategy
After unlocking a door, that door stays highlighted for all other victims for 30/45/60 seconds.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Proficient.png
Highly Skilled
Your Proficiency is increased by 3/5/7. Julie, Sonny, Ana, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Quick Exit.png
Quick Exit
If a family member is within 10 meters, you can open the bolthole in 3/2/1 taps.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Rescue Medic.png
Rescue Medic
A more effective medic. Healing others adds 50/70/100% more health and also heals you a random amount. Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Run For Your Life.png
Second Wind
When you are injured, you recover 30/50/70 stamina after not being hurt for 7 seconds. Take a sec, catch your breath. Julie, Ana, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Saboteur.png
Hands off, creeps. After using a generator or fuse box the interaction cooldown is 10/20/30 seconds longer. Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Safety In Numbers.png
Safety in Numbers
While all victims are alive and no victims have escaped, you get a 5/10/15% bonus to your max health and stamina. Sonny, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Sanguine Shadow.png
Sanguine Shadow
While staying still and hidden in a hiding spot or shadow and below 30/45/60% health, you slowly heal a little of your health. Heal 1/1/2HP per second up to a maximum of 30/45/60% of your HP. Julie, Sonny, Ana, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Sapping Cut.png
Fish Hooks
Sneak attacks decrease Family's max stamina for a while. Hard to be active with somethin' sharp jammed in your gut. Max stamina reduced by 50/65/75% for 10/20/30 seconds. Julie, Sonny, Leland
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Second Wind.png
What Doesn't Kill You
After being injured by a melee attack and avoiding further damage for 15 seconds, you regain 50/75/100% of the health that was lost in the last hit. Julie, Sonny, Ana, Leland
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Seeing Things.png
When under 5/5/5% health, get 5/10/15 increased Toughness points.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Shard Master.png
Efficient Grappler
You have a 10/15/25% chance to keep your Bone Scrap after using it in a close encounter. Julie, Sonny, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Shard Strike.png
Choose Fight
Fight or flight? Choose Fight. Sneak Attacks and Close Encounters stun the family for 2/3,5/5 seconds longer. Julie, Ana, Leland
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Slieght Of Hand.png
Must Have Been the Wind
If you make noise while interacting with boltholes or gathering items, it is not highlighted. Has 1/3/5 charge(s). Julie, Ana, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Speed Search.png
Speed Search
If a family member is within 10/10/10 meters, 20/40/80% more points are awarded on each tap during the item gathering minigame.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Spotter.png
If a Family Member moves close to where you're hiding, whether in a hiding spot or shadow, they are highlighted to all victims. Family members are highlighted in a range of 1/1,5/2m. Sonny
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Stealthy.png
Sneaky Pete
Your Stealth is increased by 3/5/7 Julie, Sonny, Ana, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Sticks And Stones.png
Last Ditch Effort
Dropping low on health with an empty inventory slot will give you a Bone Scrap. Item granted when dropping under 10/20/30% of max health. 1/3/5 use(s). Ana, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Strong.png
Been Workin' Out
Your Strength is increased by 3/5/7. Julie, Sonny, Ana, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Strong Constitution.png
High Tolerance
You like to party, you've seen some things. Sissy's poison doesn't last as long on you. Duration is 20/40/60% shorter. Sonny, Ana, Leland
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Stunt Performer.png
Stunt Double
Jumping out of windows or down wells doesn't injure you as much, and you get back up faster. Damage taken is 30/50/70% less. Julie, Sonny, Ana, Leland
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks There they are .png
There They Are
Family Members within 2/4/6 meters of a tampered object for more than 7/5/2 seconds are highlighted to you.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Tool Master.png
Efficient Locksmith
When using an unlock tool on a door, you have a 20/35/50% chance to not consume the tool when you otherwise would have. Steady hand now. Julie, Sonny, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Tough.png
Tougher Stuff
Your Toughness is increased by 3/5/7. Julie, Sonny, Ana, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Trap Technician.png
Bomb Squad
You are able to dismantle a trap without the use of a Bone Scrap. Dismantling a trap is 50/80% faster.
LVL1: You are able to dismantle a trap without the use of a Bone Scrap.
Julie, Ana, Leland, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Twinkle Toes.png
Twinkle Toes
You have a 25/50/75% chance not to trigger bone charms.
LVL3: You have a 75% chance not to trigger bone charms and will never trigger chickens.
LVL3Special: and you will never trigger chickens.
Julie, Ana, Connie
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Un Screwed.png
Tool Tracks
After breaking out of your bonds, you can see where all the tool collection points are within 50m. Highlight lasts for 30/60/90 seconds at the start of a match.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Wax on wax off.png
Wax On Wax Off
When under 5/5/5% health, get 5/10/15 increased Strength points.
T UI IC Abilities Victim Perks Well Trained.png
Well Trained
After jumping down a well, all Bone Scrap and Unlock Tools within 25m are highlighted to you for 10/20/30 seconds. Julie, Sonny, Ana, Leland, Connie